Standing in the Gap Gun Club, Orange County chapter of the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA)

Please complete the membership application inclusive of the hold harmless agreement in its entirety. Once the application is submitted we will schedule a “get acquainted” session to identify if we are a fit for each other. Please note, no one can join a chapter without possessing a NAAGA membership and is required to keep their annual NAAGA membership current.
Club Objectives
Training & Education Opportunities to include:
· Gun Safety / Nomenclature (Parts & Components) / Gun Selection / Etc.
· CPR/AED / Wound Treatment / Etc.
· Skills / Accuracy / Proficiency / Situational Awareness
Networking and Relationship Opportunities
· Vendors / Law Enforcement / Gun Shops / Ranges / Legal Advisors
· Revenue / Fundraising Opportunities / Sponsors / Scholarships
Membership Expectations
· Must be a member of NAAGA
· Complete the Chapter Membership Application
· Be of Ethical and Moral Character
· Be Considerate of others
· Have a Safety mindset
· Be a Participant
· Ask questions
· Have Enthusiasm
· Pay Chapter Dues
Our Home Range Location is FT3 Tactical in Stanton, California. Please know we travel well and visit surrounding ranges as well.
Ethical Code of Conduct
Standing in the Gap GC moral and ethical code of conduct applies to all members, potential members and guests towards our membership and the general public.
· No violence toward any members or the public will be tolerated under any circumstance.
· No sexual harassment toward any members or the public will be tolerated under any circumstance.
· No members with a record of a “Violent Felony” will be allowed to become members of Standing in the Gap GC.
· No Alcohol consumption before or during a meeting will be tolerated under any circumstance at a Standing in the Gap GC event.
· This is a private organization and all potential members must apply and can be declined at the discretion of the Chapter President. No racist, sexist, anti-religious, or homophobic statements will be tolerated by any Standing in the Gap GC member. Additionally, no verbal discussions or statements advocating any acts of violence toward Police, Military, and/or Government officials will be allowed.
This will be grounds for immediate termination of that member and/or entire club.
It is imperative to understand that this is not a social club. Yes, we will have fun together, but we hold ourselves to a high standard in all we do. Membership is not guaranteed. Prospective members must meet the established requirements to be part of NAAGA and our Chapter.
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Quote source
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.”
— Quote source
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.”